Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit 50ef7ce204.

Header <boost/test/tree/test_unit.hpp>

Defines test_unit, test_case, test_suite and master_test_suite_t.

namespace boost {
  namespace unit_test {
    class master_test_suite_t;
    class test_case;
    class test_suite;
    class test_unit;
    class test_unit_generator;

    typedef std::vector< test_unit_id > test_unit_id_list;
    test_case * make_test_case(boost::function< void()> const & test_func, 
                               const_string tc_name, const_string tc_file, 
                               std::size_t tc_line);
    template<typename UserTestCase, typename InstanceType> 
      test_case * make_test_case(void(UserTestCase::*)() test_method, 
                                 const_string tc_name, const_string tc_file, 
                                 std::size_t tc_line, 
                                 boost::shared_ptr< InstanceType > user_test_case);
    namespace framework {

      // Unit Test Framework initialization and shutdown

      // Test unit registration

      // Test observer registration

      // Global fixtures registration

      // Assertion/uncaught exception context support

      // Access to registered test units.

      // Test initiation interface

      // Test events dispatchers

Unit Test Framework initialization and shutdown

    Test unit registration

      Test observer registration

        Global fixtures registration

          Assertion/uncaught exception context support

            Access to registered test units.

              Test initiation interface

                Test events dispatchers
