Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit 730c3bf29a.


Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

Table of Contents

Modular Boost
Building Boostdep
Running Boostdep
Simple Queries
HTML reports

Boostdep is a tool for generating Boost dependency reports. It scans the header or source files of the Boost libraries for #include directives, builds a dependency graph from this information and outputs its findings in plain text or HTML.

Boostdep requires the so-called "modular Boost" directory structure.

If you already have a modular Boost installation, you can skip this section. Otherwise, read on.

Boost libraries reside in subdirectories under the libs directory. For example, the contents of the Boost.Filesystem library are in libs/filesystem. This includes the build scripts (in libs/filesystem/build), the source files (in libs/filesystem/src), the tests (in libs/filesystem/test), the documentation (in libs/filesystem/doc), and so on.

In the past, when Boost used SVN as its version control system, the header files were an exception. The header files of all libraries resided in the boost subdirectory, and it wasn't possible to accurately determine which header belonged to which library.

When Boost moved to Git for version control, header files were moved to their corresponding libraries, into an include subdirectory. The header files of Boost.Filesystem are now in libs/filesystem/include.

For compatibility, boost is now a "virtual" directory, containing links to the headers. It's maintained automatically by Boost.Build. (The command b2 headers creates or recreates the contents of the boost directory.)

This new structure allows Boostdep to determine that, when faced with an #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> directive, that this header is part of Boost.Filesystem, and that therefore, the current library being scanned depends on Boost.Filesystem.

Unfortunately, Boost releases do not have this structure. For backward compatibility, they have an old-style boost directory containing all header files, whereas the per-library include subdirectories are missing. Therefore, Boostdep will not work with a downloaded Boost release.

To use Boostdep, you will have to clone the Boost Git repository instead. To do that, execute the following command:

git clone boost

This will download the Boost "superproject" (the master project, without any libraries) and place it into the subdirectory boost of the current directory. To override the directory name, pass it as a second argument instead of boost:

git clone mydir

You can now cd into the newly created directory with

cd mydir

This directory is called the "Boost root". All of the commands below assume that it is the current directory.

The above git clone commands download the default branch of the Boost Git repository, which is master. This is the current more-or-less stable version of Boost.

To verify this, issue the command

git status

from the Boost root. This will output

# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

To download a specific release instead, such as 1.58.0, issue the following command after git clone, from the Boost root:

git checkout boost-1.58.0

git status will now say

# HEAD detached at boost-1.58.0
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Then, download all the libraries:

git submodule update --init

This step will take a while.

If all goes well, you will now have the complete contents of Boost's latest master branch (if you didn't checkout a specific release by name) or the corresponding Boost release (if you did).

You can switch between the master branch, the develop (unstable) branch, and a release, by issuing the following commands:

For the master branch:

git checkout master
git pull
git submodule update --init

(git pull updates your local copy of the master branch from the server, in case it has changed since your initial checkout.)

For the develop branch:

git checkout develop
git pull
git submodule update --init

For the boost-1.58.0 release:

git checkout boost-1.58.0
git submodule update --init

For the boost-1.57.0 release:

git checkout boost-1.57.0
git submodule update --init

Note that, while the initial git submodule update is quite slow, as it needs to download all the libraries, the subsequent invocations are a lot faster.

Also note that if a new Boost library (libs/convert, for example) is present in, say, master, and you have it checked out, when you later switch to boost-1.58.0, where this library doesn't exist, Git will not delete libs/convert. In this case, git status will output

# HEAD detached at boost-1.58.0
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#       libs/convert/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

and you will have to remove libs/convert by hand.

Once you have the Boost contents which you want to analyze for dependencies, proceed with the next step, building Boostdep.

To build Boostdep, issue the following command from the Boost root:

b2 tools/boostdep/build

This will build Boostdep from source using the default "toolset" (a Boost.Build term meaning "compiler") and if successful, place it into the dist/bin subdirectory. The command assumes that b2 (the Boost.Build executable) is somewhere in your path. If you don't have b2, execute


under Windows or


under Unix-like systems, which should build b2 and place it into the current directory. You can then use ./b2 instead of b2.

Once you have built Boostdep, execute it with the following command:




on Windows. The commands below are given as using dist/bin/boostdep; if you're using Windows, use dist\bin\boostdep instead.

This will print out the following help message:


    boostdep --list-modules
    boostdep --list-buildable
    boostdep [--track-sources] [--track-tests] --list-dependencies
    boostdep --list-exceptions
    boostdep --list-missing-headers
    boostdep --list-buildable-dependencies

    boostdep [options] --module-overview
    boostdep [options] --module-levels
    boostdep [options] --module-weights

    boostdep [options] [--primary] <module>
    boostdep [options] --secondary <module>
    boostdep [options] --reverse <module>
    boostdep [options] --subset <module>
    boostdep [options] [--header] <header>
    boostdep --test <module>
    boostdep --cmake <module>
    boostdep --pkgconfig <module> <version> [<var>=<value>] [<var>=<value>]...
    boostdep [options] --subset-for <directory>
    boostdep --brief <module>

    [options]: [--boost-root <path-to-boost>]
               [--[no-]track-sources] [--[no-]track-tests]
               [--html-title <title>] [--html-footer <footer>]
               [--html-stylesheet <stylesheet>] [--html-prefix <prefix>]
               [--csv-separator <separator>]

To list the dependencies of a specific library, use the command

dist/bin/boostdep library

For Boost.Filesystem, for example, type

dist/bin/boostdep filesystem

This will print out something similar to the following:

Primary dependencies for filesystem:

        from <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp>

        from <boost/filesystem/config.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
        from <boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp>

        from <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>

        from <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>

        from <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>

This lists the immediate dependencies of Boost.Filesystem. assert: is the library, <boost/assert.hpp> is the file that is being included, and from <boost/filesystem/config.hpp> shows where <boost/assert.hpp> is being included.

Boostdep names libraries (or modules) after their directory name. The libs/filesystem directory, for example, is the filesystem module. The libs/numeric/conversion directory is the numeric~conversion module, according to the Boostdep naming convention.

The reason forward slashes are replaced with tildes is that numeric~conversion is a valid file name, which makes generating HTML reports a bit easier.

To see where a given header resides and who includes it, type

dist/bin/boostdep header

For boost/filesystem.hpp, for example, type

dist/bin/boostdep boost/filesystem.hpp

This will print something along the lines of

Inclusion report for <boost/filesystem.hpp> (in module filesystem):

    from spirit:

What this tells you is that boost/filesystem.hpp is part of Boost.Filesystem and is only included once, from <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/testing.hpp>. Other headers, such as boost/shared_ptr.hpp, are more widely used, as you can see if you try

dist/bin/boostdep boost/shared_ptr.hpp

To print the reverse dependencies of a library, use

dist/bin/boostdep --reverse library

For example,

dist/bin/boostdep --reverse filesystem

will list which libraries depend on Boost.Filesystem:

Reverse dependencies for filesystem:

        from <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/serialization.hpp>
        from <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/serialization.hpp>

        from <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
        from <boost/log/sinks/event_log_backend.hpp>
        from <boost/log/sinks/text_file_backend.hpp>
        from <boost/log/sinks/text_multifile_backend.hpp>

        from <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/testing.hpp>
        from <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/testing.hpp>
        from <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/error_reporting.hpp>

        from <boost/wave/util/cpp_include_paths.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/filesystem_compatibility.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/cpp_context.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/cpp_include_paths.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/cpp_macromap.hpp>
        from <boost/wave/util/filesystem_compatibility.hpp>

The primary purpose of Boostdep is to generate HTML dependency reports. In the typical case, two types of reports are generated: overviews that contain information for all modules, and per-module ones that list information for a specific library.

Boostdep can generate three types of the first kind of report: module overview, module levels and module weights. To generate a module overview, use the command

dist/bin/boostdep --html --module-overview > module-overview.html

For a module level report, use

dist/bin/boostdep --html --module-levels > module-levels.html

For a module weight report, use

dist/bin/boostdep --html --module-weights > module-weights.html

In these reports, module names such as module are HTML links to module.html.

To make these links work as expected, you can generate HTML reports for each module as follows:

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Dependency Report for module" --html --primary module --secondary module --reverse module > module.html

This step can be automated if you generate a module list first with

dist/bin/boostdep --list-modules > list-modules.txt

that will contain one module name per line, and then use a script to issue the previous command for each module name.

For more information about the Boostdep options and commands, see the Reference section.

For an example of a report generation script, see the file tools/boostdep/examples/report.bat. This is a Windows batch file, but translating it to a Unix-style shell script should be straightforward.

For convenience, the contents of tools/boostdep/examples/report.bat are given below:

SET BOOSTDEP=dist\bin\boostdep.exe

FOR /f %%i IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO @SET REV=%%i

FOR /f %%i IN ('git rev-parse --short HEAD') DO @SET SHREV=%%i

FOR /f %%i IN ('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') DO @SET BRANCH=%%i

SET FOOTER=Generated on %DATE% %TIME% from revision %REV% on branch '%BRANCH%'


mkdir %OUTDIR%

%BOOSTDEP% --list-modules > %OUTDIR%\list-modules.txt

%BOOSTDEP% --html-footer "%FOOTER%" --html --module-overview > %OUTDIR%\module-overview.html
%BOOSTDEP% --html-footer "%FOOTER%" --html --module-levels > %OUTDIR%\module-levels.html
%BOOSTDEP% --html-footer "%FOOTER%" --html --module-weights > %OUTDIR%\module-weights.html

FOR /f %%i IN (%OUTDIR%\list-modules.txt) DO %BOOSTDEP% --html-title "Dependency Report for %%i" --html-footer "%FOOTER%" --html --primary %%i --secondary %%i --reverse %%i > %OUTDIR%%%i.html

boostdep --list-modules prints the module list. Boostdep considers a subdirectory of libs a module if it contains an include subdirectory.

This command is typically used from scripts which then use the list to execute a command for each module.

boostdep --list-buildable prints a list of the modules that require building. Boostdep considers a module to require building if it contains subdirectories named build and src.

This command is typically used from scripts.

boostdep --list-dependencies prints a module list in which each line is of the form

module -> dependency1 dependency2 ...

By default, only the include directory is scanned for #include directives. If the option --track-sources is given, the src directory is also scanned. If the option --track-tests is given, the test directory is also scanned.

This command is typically used from scripts. The output is virtually identical to --module-overview in plain text, but slightly more machine-friendly.

boostdep --list-exceptions prints a list of the headers that are not contained into the include directory ot their corresponding module.

boostdep --list-missing-headers prints a list of the headers that are included by another header, but are missing.

boostdep --list-buildable-dependencies prints a list of the dependencies of the buildable libraries, in the form

module = dependency1 dependency2 ... ;

This is valid Boost.Build syntax, so the output can be used as a Boost.Build module. All header-only libraries are considered one library named headers.

boostdep --module-overview generates a module overview, in plain text or HTML. The plain text output is of the form

Module Overview:

accumulators -> array assert circular_buffer concept_check config core fusion iterator mpl numeric~conversion numeric~ublas parameter preprocessor range static_assert throw_exception tuple type_traits typeof
algorithm -> array assert bind concept_check config core exception function iterator mpl range regex static_assert tuple type_traits unordered
align -> assert config core static_assert throw_exception

whereas the HTML output is similar to

Module Overview


⇢ array assert circular_buffer concept_check config core fusion iterator mpl numeric~conversion numeric~ublas parameter preprocessor range static_assert throw_exception tuple type_traits typeof

where accumulators is a link to accumulators.html.

As before, if --track-sources is given, the src subdirectory is scanned for #include directives.

HTML output is enabled by the --html option. The --html-title and --html-footer options set the HTML <title> and the page footer and need to precede --html, like in the following example:

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Module Overview" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --module-overview > module-overview.html

boostdep --module-levels generates a report that groups modules by level. Levels are determined in such a way so that a module of level N never depends on modules of levels greater than N, and in the absence of cyclic dependencies, doesn't depend on other modules of level N. It takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Module Levels" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --module-levels > module-levels.html

boostdep --module-weights generates a report that lists modules by weight. A module weight is the total number of its dependencies. This includes the indirect dependencies.

--module-weights takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Module Weights" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --module-weights > module-weights.html

boostdep --primary module lists the primary (direct) dependencies of module. It takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Primary Dependencies of filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --primary filesystem > filesystem-primary.html

boostdep --secondary module lists the secondary (indirect) dependencies of module. It takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Secondary Dependencies of filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --secondary filesystem > filesystem-secondary.html

You can combine --primary and --secondary in one invocation.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Dependencies of filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --primary filesystem --secondary filesystem > filesystem.html

boostdep --reverse module lists the reverse dependencies of module, that is, it lists which modules depend on module. It takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Reverse Dependencies of filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --reverse filesystem > filesystem-reverse.html

You can combine --reverse with --primary and --secondary for a complete module report.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Dependency Report for filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --primary filesystem --secondary filesystem --reverse filesystem > filesystem.html

boostdep --subset module lists the subset dependencies of module, that is, it lists which modules comprise the subset which module requires in order to be usable. The dependencies are determined by tracing the #include directives starting from module's headers.

The difference between using the modules reported by --subset and those reported by the sum of --primary and --secondary is that the former only guarantees that module will be usable, whereas the latter guarantees it for every module in the subset.

--subset takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Subset Dependencies of filesystem" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --subset filesystem > filesystem-subset.html

You can combine --subset with the other module report options.

boostdep --header header creates an inclusion report for header. It takes the same options as --module-overview.

dist/bin/boostdep --html-title "Inclusion Report for <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>" --html-footer "Generated on 21.05.2015 20:53:11" --html --header boost/shared_ptr.hpp > header-boost-shared_ptr.html

boostdep --test module lists the test dependencies of module, that is, it lists which modules need to be present so that the tests of module can be run.

dist/bin/boostdep --test filesystem

boostdep --cmake module generates a CMakeLists.txt file for module.

boostdep --pkgconfig module version var=value... outputs a pkg-config .pc file for module.

dist/bin/boostdep --pkgconfig system 1.65.0 prefix=/usr/local includedir=${prefix}/include libdir=${prefix}/lib

boostdep --subset-for directory scans directory for #include directives and lists which Boost modules are reachable through these #includes.

Its use is in determining what subset of Boost is needed by a user application or library.

dist/bin/boostdep --subset-for d:\my_app

boostdep --brief module generates a brief dependency report for module. All the primary and secondary dependencies are listed, one per line.

dist/bin/boostdep --brief filesystem

--boost-root path-to-boost instructs Boostdep to look for the Boost root directory at path-to-boost. If this option is not given, the current directory and its parents are searched for the presence of a file named Jamroot. If one is found, that directory is assumed to be the root. If not, the environment variable BOOST_ROOT is assumed to contain the path to the Boost root.

The --track-sources option instructs Boostdep to scan the src library subdirectory for #include directives. If not enabled, only the include subdirectory is scanned. This option on by default in 1.77 and later, and can be turned off with --no-track-sources.

The --track-tests option instructs Boostdep to scan the test library subdirectory for #include directives. By default, the test subdirectory is not scanned.

--html-title title sets the contents of the HTML <title> tag. It must precede --html to have an effect.

--html-footer footer sets the HTML page footer text. It has no effect if --html is not given.

--html-stylesheet stylesheet sets the HTML stylesheet URL. It has no effect if --html is not given.

--html-prefix prefix sets the HTML prefix; the prefix is output immediately after the <body> tag. It has no effect if --html is not given.

--html switches to HTML output mode (the default is plain text). It must precede the commands that generate output.

--csv switches to CSV output mode (the default is plain text). It must precede the commands that generate output. It supports the same operations supported by --html (--module-overview, --module-levels...). By default, each operation will create a table prefixed by a table marker that describes the operation and a header describing column names. For instance, the following command:

dist/bin/boostdep --csv --primary assert --secondary container_hash --header boost/container/deque.hpp --reverse interprocess --subset assert

can output:

config,boost/config.hpp,boost/assert.hpp boost/assert/source_location.hpp



log,boost/interprocess/permissions.hpp,libs/log/src/permissions.cpp libs/log/src/posix/ipc_reliable_message_queue.cpp

config,boost/assert.hpp -> boost/config.hpp
config,boost/assert/source_location.hpp -> boost/config.hpp

--csv-separator separator sets the CSV column separator string. The default separator is the comma character (','). It has no effect if --csv is not given. The following command will create a CSV file using semicolon (';') as the separator:

dist/bin/boostdep --csv --csv-separator ';' --primary assert

--csv-table-marker activates a marker line for each table that is created in the CSV file in the form [Operation] <csv-separator> <arg>. It's activated by default. This allows the detection of each operation, which creates its own table in the CSV file. If --csv-no-table-marker is given the marker line is not emitted. It has no effect if --csv is not given. The following command

dist/bin/boostdep --csv --csv-no-table-marker --csv-no-table-header --primary assert

will output a standard CSV file with no [Primary],assert marker line:

config,boost/config.hpp,boost/assert.hpp boost/assert/source_location.hpp

--csv-table-header activates a header line describing each column of each table that is created in the CSV file. It's activated by default. This allows easier identification of the column meaning and easier import to a database. If --csv-no-table-marker is given the marker line is not emitted. It has no effect if --csv is not given. The following command

dist/bin/boostdep --csv --csv-no-table-header --primary assert

will output a standard CSV file with no Module,Header,From header line

config,boost/config.hpp,boost/assert.hpp boost/assert/source_location.hpp

Last revised: February 10, 2023 at 16:14:02 GMT