Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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//  long_name_check implementation  ------------------------------------------//

//  Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
//  Copyright Gennaro Prota 2006.
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include "long_name_check.hpp"

#include "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp"
#include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp"

#include <locale>
#include <algorithm>

namespace { namespace aux {

bool starts_with_nonalnum( path const & p )
  const string & x = p.string();

  const string::value_type first = x[0];

  return !std::isalnum( first, std::locale::classic() )
      && first != '_'
      && x != ".cvsignore"
      && x != ".svn"


namespace boost
  namespace inspect
    const char file_name_check::limits::name[] = "ISO 9660:1999 Level 3";

    file_name_check::file_name_check() : m_name_errors(0) {}

    void file_name_check::inspect(
      const string & library_name,
      const path & full_path )
      std::string const leaf( full_path.leaf() );

      if ( *leaf.rbegin() == '.' )
        error( library_name, full_path, string(name())
            + " filename ends with the dot character ('.')" );

      path const relative_path(
          relative_to( full_path, filesystem::initial_path() )
          , &filesystem::no_check );

      // checks on the directory name --------------------------- //

      if( aux::starts_with_nonalnum( path(leaf)) )
        error( library_name, full_path, string(name())
            + " leading character of \""
            + leaf + "\""
            + " is not alphanumeric" );

      const unsigned max_relative_path = 207; // ISO 9660:1999 sets this limit
      const string generic_root( "boost_X_XX_X/" );
      if ( relative_path.string().size() >
          ( max_relative_path - generic_root.size() ) )
        error( library_name, full_path,
            + " file path will exceed "
            + boost::lexical_cast<string>(max_relative_path)
            + " characters in a directory tree with a root of the form "
            + generic_root + ", and this exceeds ISO 9660:1999 limit of 207"  )

      if (relative_path.leaf() != ".cvsignore" && relative_path.leaf() != ".svn")
          path const check_portability( relative_path.string(), &filesystem::portable_name );
        catch ( filesystem::filesystem_error const& )
          error( library_name, full_path, string(name()) + " nonportable path" );

      std::cout << "  " << m_name_errors << " " << desc() << '\n';

  } // namespace inspect
} // namespace boost