Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.


    Copyright (c) 2004 Angus Leeming
    Copyright (c) 2004 Joel de Guzman

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying 
    file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/stl/container/detail/container.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/function/function.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace phoenix
//  STL container member functions
//      Lazy functions for STL container member functions
//      These functions provide a mechanism for the lazy evaluation of the
//      public member functions of the STL containers. For an overview of
//      what is meant by 'lazy evaluation', see the comments in operators.hpp
//      and functions.hpp.
//      Lazy functions are provided for all of the member functions of the
//      following containers:
//      deque - list - map - multimap - vector.
//      Indeed, should *your* class have member functions with the same names
//      and signatures as those listed below, then it will automatically be
//      supported. To summarize, lazy functions are provided for member
//      functions:
//          assign - at - back - begin - capacity - clear - empty - end -
//          erase - front - get_allocator - insert - key_comp - max_size -
//          pop_back - pop_front - push_back - push_front - rbegin - rend -
//          reserve - resize . size - splice - value_comp.
//      The lazy functions' names are the same as the corresponding member
//      function. Sample usage:
//      "Normal" version                 "Lazy" version
//      ----------------                 --------------
//                  phoenix::at(arg1, 5)
//      my_list.size()                   phoenix::size(arg1)
//      my_vector1.swap(my_vector2)      phoenix::swap(arg1, arg2)
//      Notice that member functions with names that clash with a
//      function in stl algorithms are absent. This will be provided
//      in Phoenix's algorithm module.
//      No support is provided here for lazy versions of operator+=,
//      operator[] etc. Such operators are not specific to STL containers and
//      lazy versions can therefore be found in operators.hpp.

//  Lazy member function implementaions.
//      The structs below provide the guts of the implementation. Thereafter,
//      the corresponding lazy function itself is simply:
//          function<stl::assign> const assign = stl::assign();
//      The structs provide a nested "result" class template whose
//      "type" typedef enables the lazy function to ascertain the type
//      to be returned when it is invoked.
//      They also provide operator() member functions with signatures
//      corresponding to those of the underlying member function of
//      the STL container.
    namespace stl
        struct assign
            template <
                typename C
              , typename Arg1 = fusion::void_
              , typename Arg2 = fusion::void_
              , typename Arg3 = fusion::void_
            struct result
                typedef typename add_reference<C>::type type;

            template <typename C, typename Arg1>
            C& operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1) const
                return c;

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
            C& operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2 const& arg2) const
                c.assign(arg1, arg2);
                return c;

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
            C& operator()(
                C& c
              , Arg1 const& arg1
              , Arg2 const& arg2
              , Arg3 const& arg3) const
                return c.assign(arg1, arg2, arg3);

        struct at
            template <typename C, typename Index>
            struct result
                typedef typename const_qualified_reference_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C, typename Index>
            typename result<C, Index>::type
            operator()(C& c, Index const& i) const

        struct back
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                    typename const_qualified_reference_of<C>::type

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.back();

        struct begin
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename const_qualified_iterator_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.begin();

        struct capacity
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename size_type_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.capacity();

        struct clear
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C>
            void operator()(C& c) const
                return c.clear();

        struct empty
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef bool type;

            template <typename C>
            bool operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.empty();

        struct end
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename const_qualified_iterator_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.end();

        struct erase
            //  This mouthful can differentiate between the generic erase
            //  functions (Container == std::deque, std::list, std::vector) and
            //  that specific to the two map-types, std::map and std::multimap.
            //  where C is a std::deque, std::list, std::vector:
            //      1) iterator C::erase(iterator where);
            //      2) iterator C::erase(iterator first, iterator last);
            //  where M is a std::map or std::multimap:
            //      3) size_type M::erase(const Key& keyval);
            //      4) void M::erase(iterator where);
            //      5) void M::erase(iterator first, iterator last);

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2 = fusion::void_>
            struct result
                //  BOOST_MSVC #if branch here in map_erase_result non-
                //  standard behavior. The return type should be void but
                //  VC7.1 prefers to return iterator_of<C>. As a result,
                //  VC7.1 complains of error C2562:
                //  boost::phoenix::stl::erase::operator() 'void' function
                //  returning a value. Oh well... :*

                        boost::is_same<Arg1, typename iterator_of<C>::type>
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC <= 1500)
                      , iterator_of<C>
                      , boost::mpl::identity<void>
                      , size_type_of<C>

                typedef typename
                      , map_erase_result
                      , iterator_of<C>

            template <typename C, typename Arg1>
            typename result<C, Arg1>::type
            operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1) const
                return c.erase(arg1);

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
            typename result<C, Arg1, Arg2>::type
            operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2 const& arg2) const
                return c.erase(arg1, arg2);

        struct front
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename const_qualified_reference_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.front();

        struct get_allocator
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename allocator_type_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.get_allocator();

        struct insert
            //  This mouthful can differentiate between the generic insert
            //  functions (Container == deque, list, vector) and those
            //  specific to the two map-types, std::map and std::multimap.
            //  where C is a std::deque, std::list, std::vector:
            //      1) iterator C::insert(iterator where, value_type value);
            //      2) void C::insert(
            //          iterator where, size_type count, value_type value);
            //      3) template <typename Iter>
            //         void C::insert(iterator where, Iter first, Iter last);
            //  where M is a std::map and MM is a std::multimap:
            //      4) pair<iterator, bool> M::insert(value_type const&);
            //      5) iterator MM::insert(value_type const&);
            //  where M is a std::map or std::multimap:
            //      6) template <typename Iter>
            //         void M::insert(Iter first, Iter last);

            template <
                typename C
              , typename Arg1
              , typename Arg2 = fusion::void_
              , typename Arg3 = fusion::void_
            class result
                struct pair_iterator_bool
                    typedef typename std::pair<typename C::iterator, bool> type;

                      , pair_iterator_bool
                      , iterator_of<C>

                            boost::is_same<Arg3, fusion::void_>
                          , boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_same<Arg1, Arg2> > >
                      , iterator_of<C>
                      , boost::mpl::identity<void>


                typedef typename
                        boost::is_same<Arg2, fusion::void_>
                      , choice_1
                      , choice_2

            template <typename C, typename Arg1>
            typename result<C, Arg1>::type
            operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1) const
                return c.insert(arg1);

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
            typename result<C, Arg1, Arg2>::type
            operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2 const& arg2) const
                return c.insert(arg1, arg2);

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
            typename result<C, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>::type
                C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2 const& arg2, Arg3 const& arg3) const
                return c.insert(arg1, arg2, arg3);

        struct key_comp
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename key_compare_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.key_comp();

        struct max_size
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename size_type_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.max_size();

        struct pop_back
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C>
            void operator()(C& c) const
                return c.pop_back();

        struct pop_front
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C>
            void operator()(C& c) const
                return c.pop_front();

        struct push_back
            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            void operator()(C& c, Arg const& data) const
                return c.push_back(data);

        struct push_front
            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            void operator()(C& c, Arg const& data) const
                return c.push_front(data);

        struct rbegin
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.rbegin();

        struct rend
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C& c) const
                return c.rend();

        struct reserve

            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C, typename Arg>
            void operator()(C& c, Arg const& count) const
                return c.reserve(count);

        struct resize
            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2 = fusion::void_>
            struct result
                typedef void type;

            template <typename C, typename Arg1>
            void operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1) const
                return c.resize(arg1);

            template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
            void operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2 const& arg2) const
                return c.resize(arg1, arg2);

        struct size
            template <typename C>
            struct result
                typedef typename size_type_of<C>::type type;

            template <typename C>
            typename result<C>::type
            operator()(C const& c) const
                return c.size();

    struct splice
        template <
            typename C
          , typename Arg1
          , typename Arg2
          , typename Arg3 = fusion::void_
          , typename Arg4 = fusion::void_
        struct result
            typedef void type;

        template <typename C, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
        void operator()(C& c, Arg1 const& arg1, Arg2& arg2) const
            c.splice(arg1, arg2);

        template <
            typename C
          , typename Arg1
          , typename Arg2
          , typename Arg3
        void operator()(
            C& c
          , Arg1 const& arg1
          , Arg2& arg2
          , Arg3 const& arg3
        ) const
            c.splice(arg1, arg2, arg3);

        template <
            typename C
          , typename Arg1
          , typename Arg2
          , typename Arg3
          , typename Arg4
        void operator()(
            C& c
          , Arg1 const& arg1
          , Arg2& arg2
          , Arg3 const& arg3
          , Arg4 const& arg4
        ) const
            c.splice(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

    struct value_comp
        template <typename C>
        struct result
            typedef typename value_compare_of<C>::type type;

        template <typename C>
        typename result<C>::type
        operator()(C const& c) const
            return c.value_comp();

} // namespace stl

//  The lazy functions themselves.
function<stl::assign> const         assign = stl::assign();
function<stl::at> const             at = stl::at();
function<stl::back> const           back = stl::back();
function<stl::begin> const          begin = stl::begin();
function<stl::capacity> const       capacity = stl::capacity();
function<stl::clear> const          clear = stl::clear();
function<stl::empty> const          empty = stl::empty();
function<stl::end> const            end = stl::end();
function<stl::erase> const          erase = stl::erase();
function<stl::front> const          front = stl::front();
function<stl::get_allocator> const  get_allocator = stl::get_allocator();
function<stl::insert> const         insert = stl::insert();
function<stl::key_comp> const       key_comp = stl::key_comp();
function<stl::max_size> const       max_size = stl::max_size();
function<stl::pop_back> const       pop_back  = stl::pop_back();
function<stl::pop_front> const      pop_front = stl::pop_front();
function<stl::push_back> const      push_back  = stl::push_back();
function<stl::push_front> const     push_front = stl::push_front();
function<stl::rbegin> const         rbegin = stl::rbegin();
function<stl::rend> const           rend = stl::rend();
function<stl::reserve> const        reserve = stl::reserve();
function<stl::resize> const         resize = stl::resize();
function<stl::size> const           size = stl::size();
function<stl::splice> const         splice = stl::splice();
function<stl::value_comp> const     value_comp = stl::value_comp();

}} // namespace boost::phoenix