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C++ Boost



Overall Index -- Gregorian Index -- Posix Time Index

Date Period Documentation

Header -- Construction -- Accessors -- Conversion To String -- Operators --


The class boost::gregorian::date_period provides direct representation for ranges between two dates. Periods provide the ability to simplify some types of calculations by simplifying the conditional logic of the program. For example, testing if a date is within an irregular schedule such as a weekend or holiday can be accomplished using collections of date periods. This is facilitated by several methods that allow evaluation if a date_period intersects with another date period, and to generate the period resulting from the intersection. The period calculation example provides an example of this.

Date periods used in combination with infinity values have the ability to represent complex concepts such as 'until further notice'.


#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" //include all types plus i/o
#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian_types.hpp" //no i/o just types


date_period(date begin, date end) Create a period as [begin, end). If last is <= begin then the period will be defined as null. date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,10), date(2002,Jan,12));
date_period(date start, date_duration len) Create a period as [begin, begin+len). If len is <= zero then the period will be defined as null. date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,10), date_duration(2));
date_period(date_period rhs) Copy constructor date_period dp1(dp)


date begin() const Return first day of period. date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp.begin() --> 2002-Jan-01
date last() const Return last date in the period date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp.last() --> 2002-Jan-09
date end() const Return one past the last in period date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp.end() --> 2002-Jan-10
date_duration length() const Return the length of the date_period date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,1), date_duration(2));
dp.length() --> 2
bool is_null() const True if period is not well formed. eg: start less than end date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,10), date(2002,Jan,1));
dp.begin() --> true
bool contains(date) const True if date is within the period date_period dp(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp.contains(date(2002,Jan,2)) --> true
bool contains(date_period) const True if date period is within the period date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,2), date(2002,Jan,3));
dp1.contains(dp2) --> true
dp2.contains(dp1) --> false
bool intersects(date_period) const True if periods overlap date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,2), date(2002,Jan,3));
dp2.intersects(dp1) --> true
date_period intersection(date_period) const Calculate the intersection of 2 periods. Null if no intersection. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,2), date(2002,Jan,3));
dp2.intersection(dp1) --> dp2
date_period is_adjacent(date_period) const Check if two periods are adjacent, but not overlapping. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,3));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,3), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp2.is_adjacent(dp1) --> true
date_period is_after(date) const Determine the period is after a given date. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,10), date(2002,Jan,30));
date d(2002,Jan,3);
dp1.is_after(d) --> true
date_period is_before(date) const Determine the period is before a given date. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,3));
date d(2002,Jan,10);
dp1.is_before(d) --> true
date_period merge(date_period) const Returns union of two periods. Null if no intersection. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,9), date(2002,Jan,31));
dp2.merge(dp1) --> 2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31
date_period span(date_period) const Combines two periods and any gap between them such that start = min(p1.start, p2.start) and end = max(p1.end , p2.end) date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,5));
date_period dp2(date(2002,Jan,9), date(2002,Jan,31));
dp2.span(dp1) --> 2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31
date_period shift(date_duration) Add duration to both start and end. date_period dp1(date(2002,Jan,1), date(2002,Jan,10));
dp1.shift(date_duration(1)); --> 2002-Jan-02/2002-Jan-11

Conversion To String

std::string to_simple_string(date_period dp) To [YYYY-mmm-DD/YYYY-mmm-DD] string where mmm is 3 char month name. [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31]


operator<< ostream operator for date_period. Uses facet to format time points. Typical output: [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31]. std::cout << dp << std::endl;
operator==, operator!=,
operator>, operator<
A full complement of comparison operators dp1 == dp2, etc
operator< True if dp1.end() less than dp2.begin() dp1 < dp2, etc
operator> True if dp1.begin() greater than dp2.end() dp1 > dp2, etc

Last modified: Sun Jan 18 14:39:36 MST 2004 by Jeff Garland © 2000-2003