PointNDConcept Struct Template Reference

#include <gil_concept.hpp>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename P>
struct boost::gil::PointNDConcept< P >

N-dimensional point concept.

concept PointNDConcept<typename T> : Regular<T> {    
    // the type of a coordinate along each axis
    template <size_t K> struct axis; where Metafunction<axis>;
    const size_t num_dimensions;
    // accessor/modifier of the value of each axis.
    template <size_t K> const typename axis<K>::type& T::axis_value() const;
    template <size_t K>       typename axis<K>::type& T::axis_value();

Public Member Functions

void constraints ()

Public Attributes


The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Nov 8 21:53:21 2007 for Generic Image Library by  doxygen 1.4.4