RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept Struct Template Reference

#include <gil_concept.hpp>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename View>
struct boost::gil::RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept< View >

N-dimensional view over immutable values.

concept RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<Regular View> {
    typename value_type;
    typename reference;       // result of dereferencing
    typename difference_type; // result of operator-(iterator,iterator) (1-dimensional!)
    typename const_t;  where RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<View>; // same as View, but over immutable values
    typename point_t;  where PointNDConcept<point_t>; // N-dimensional point
    typename locator;  where RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<locator>; // N-dimensional locator.
    typename iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator>; // 1-dimensional iterator over all values
    typename reverse_iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<reverse_iterator>; 
    typename size_type;       // the return value of size()

    // Equivalent to RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept::axis
    template <size_t D> struct axis {
        typename coord_t = point_t::axis<D>::coord_t;
        typename iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator>;   // iterator along D-th axis.
        where SameType<coord_t, iterator::difference_type>;
        where SameType<iterator::value_type,value_type>;

    // Defines the type of a view similar to this type, except it invokes Deref upon dereferencing
    template <PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept Deref> struct add_deref {
        typename type;        where RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<type>;
        static type make(const View& v, const Deref& deref);

    static const size_t num_dimensions = point_t::num_dimensions;
    // Create from a locator at the top-left corner and dimensions
    View::View(const locator&, const point_type&);
    size_type        View::size()       const; // total number of elements
    reference        operator[](View, const difference_type&) const; // 1-dimensional reference
    iterator         View::begin()      const;
    iterator         View::end()        const;
    reverse_iterator View::rbegin()     const;
    reverse_iterator View::rend()       const;
    iterator         View::at(const point_t&);
    point_t          View::dimensions() const; // number of elements along each dimension
    bool             View::is_1d_traversable() const;   // can an iterator over the first dimension visit each value? I.e. are there gaps between values?

    // iterator along a given dimension starting at a given point
    template <size_t D> View::axis<D>::iterator View::axis_iterator(const point_t&) const;

    reference operator()(View,const point_t&) const;

Public Member Functions

void constraints ()

Public Attributes

View view

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Nov 8 21:53:22 2007 for Generic Image Library by  doxygen 1.4.4