Boost Range MFC/ATL Extension

Author: Shunsuke Sogame
Date: 26th of May 2006
Copyright: Shunsuke Sogame 2005-2006. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (see LICENSE_1_0.txt).


Boost.Range MFC/ATL Extension provides Boost.Range support for MFC/ATL collection and string types.

CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, CList<CString> *> myArray;
BOOST_FOREACH (CList<CString> *theList, myArray)
    BOOST_FOREACH (CString& str, *theList)
        std::sort(boost::begin(str), boost::end(str));


MFC Ranges

If the <boost/range/mfc.hpp> is included before or after Boost.Range headers, the MFC collections and strings become models of Range. The table below lists the Traversal Category and range_reference of MFC ranges.

Range Traversal Category range_reference<Range>::type
CArray<T,A> Random Access T&
CList<T,A> Bidirectional T&
CMap<K,AK,M,AM> Forward Range::CPair&
CTypedPtrArray<B,T*> Random Access T* const
CTypedPtrList<B,T*> Bidirectional T* const
CTypedPtrMap<B,T*,V*> Forward std::pair<T*,V*> const
CByteArray Random Access BYTE&
CDWordArray Random Access DWORD&
CObArray Random Access CObject* &
CPtrArray Random Access void* &
CStringArray Random Access CString&
CUIntArray Random Access UINT&
CWordArray Random Access WORD&
CObList Bidirectional CObject* &
CPtrList Bidirectional void* &
CStringList Bidirectional CString&
CMapPtrToWord Forward std::pair<void*,WORD> const
CMapPtrToPtr Forward std::pair<void*,void*> const
CMapStringToOb Forward std::pair<String,CObject*> const
CMapStringToString Forward Range::CPair&
CMapWordToOb Forward std::pair<WORD,CObject*> const
CMapWordToPtr Forward std::pair<WORD,void*> const

Other Boost.Range metafunctions are defined by the following. Let Range be any type listed above and ReF be the same as range_reference<Range>::type. range_value<Range>::type is the same as remove_reference<remove_const<Ref>::type>::type, range_difference<Range>::type is the same as std::ptrdiff_t, and range_pointer<Range>::type is the same as add_pointer<remove_reference<Ref>::type>::type. As for const Range, see const Ranges.

ATL Ranges

If the <boost/range/atl.hpp> is included before or after Boost.Range headers, the ATL collections and strings become models of Range. The table below lists the Traversal Category and range_reference of ATL ranges.

Range Traversal Category range_reference<Range>::type
CAtlArray<E,ET> Random Access E&
CAutoPtrArray<E> Random Access E&
CInterfaceArray<I,pi> Random Access CComQIPtr<I,pi>&
CAtlList<E,ET> Bidirectional E&
CAutoPtrList<E> Bidirectional E&
CHeapPtrList<E,A> Bidirectional E&
CInterfaceList<I,pi> Bidirectional CComQIPtr<I,pi>&
CAtlMap<K,V,KT,VT> Forward Range::CPair&
CRBTree<K,V,KT,VT> Bidirectional Range::CPair&
CRBMap<K,V,KT,VT> Bidirectional Range::CPair&
CRBMultiMap<K,V,KT,VT> Bidirectional Range::CPair&
CSimpleStringT<B,b> Random Access B&
CStringT<B,ST> Random Access B&
CFixedStringT<S,n> Random Access range_reference<S>::type
CStringT<B,ST> Random Access B&
CComBSTR Random Access OLECHAR&
CSimpleArray<T,TE> Random Access T&

Other Boost.Range metafunctions are defined by the following. Let Range be any type listed above and ReF be the same as range_reference<Range>::type. range_value<Range>::type is the same as remove_reference<Ref>::type, range_difference<Range>::type is the same as std::ptrdiff_t, and range_pointer<Range>::type is the same as add_pointer<remove_reference<Ref>::type>::type. As for const Range, see const Ranges.

const Ranges

range_reference<const Range>::type is defined by the following algorithm. Let Range be any type listed above and ReF be the same as range_reference<Range>::type.

if (Range is CObArray || Range is CObList)
    return CObject const * &
else if (Range is CPtrArray || Range is CPtrList)
    return void const * &
else if (there is a type X such that X& is the same as ReF)
    return X const &
else if (there is a type X such that X* const is the same as ReF)
    return X const * const
    return ReF

Other Boost.Range metafunctions are defined by the following. range_value<const Range>::type is the same as range_value<Range>::type, range_difference<const Range>::type is the same as std::ptrdiff_t, and range_pointer<const Range>::type is the same as add_pointer<remove_reference<range_reference<const Range>::type>::type>::type.
