Boost GIL

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color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC > Class Template Reference

Function object that given a source pixel, returns it converted to a given color space and channel depth. Models: PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept. More...

#include <image_view_factory.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >:
deref_base< color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >, DstP, DstP, const DstP &, SrcConstRefP, DstP, false >

Public Member Functions

 color_convert_deref_fn (CC cc_in)
DstP operator() (SrcConstRefP srcP) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from deref_base< color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >, DstP, DstP, const DstP &, SrcConstRefP, DstP, false >
using argument_type = SrcConstRefP
using result_type = DstP
using const_t = color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >
using value_type = DstP
using reference = DstP
using const_reference = const DstP &
- Static Public Attributes inherited from deref_base< color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >, DstP, DstP, const DstP &, SrcConstRefP, DstP, false >
static constexpr bool is_mutable

Detailed Description

template<typename SrcConstRefP, typename DstP, typename CC = default_color_converter>
class boost::gil::color_convert_deref_fn< SrcConstRefP, DstP, CC >

Function object that given a source pixel, returns it converted to a given color space and channel depth. Models: PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept.

Useful in constructing a color converted view over a given image view

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