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Front Page / Sequences / Concepts / Random Access Sequence

Random Access Sequence


A Random Access Sequence is a Bidirectional Sequence whose iterators model Random Access Iterator. A random access sequence guarantees amortized constant time access to an arbitrary sequence element.

Refinement of

Bidirectional Sequence

Expression requirements

In addition to the requirements defined in Bidirectional Sequence, for any Random Access Sequence s the following must be met:

Expression Type Complexity
begin<s>::type Random Access Iterator Amortized constant time
end<s>::type Random Access Iterator Amortized constant time
at<s,n>::type Any type Amortized constant time

Expression semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in Bidirectional Sequence.

Expression Semantics
at<s,n>::type The nth element from the beginning of the sequence; see at.


See also

Sequences, Bidirectional Sequence, Extensible Sequence, Random Access Iterator, begin / end, at