Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit 41728d1a0f.

Struct value



// In header: <boost/process/v2/environment.hpp>

struct value {
  // types
  typedef char_type                                   value_type;      
  typedef value_char_traits< char_type >              traits_type;     
  typedef std::basic_string< char_type, traits_type > string_type;     
  typedef basic_cstring_ref< char_type, traits_type > string_view_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  value(const value &) = default;
  value(const string_type &);
  value(string_type &&);
  value(const value_type *);
  value(value_type *);
  explicit value(value_view);
  template<typename Source> 
    value(const Source &, decltype(std::declval< Source >().data()) = nullptr, 
          decltype(std::declval< Source >().size()) = 0u);
  value(const typename conditional< is_same< value_type, char >::value, wchar_t, char >::type *);
  template<typename InputIt> value(InputIt, InputIt);
  value & operator=(const value &) = default;
  value & operator=(value &&);
  value & operator=(string_type &&);
  template<typename Source> value & operator=(const Source &);
  ~value() = default;

  // public member functions
  value & assign(string_type &&);
  template<typename Source> value & assign(const Source &);
  template<typename InputIt> value & assign(InputIt, InputIt);
  void push_back(const value &);
  void clear();
  void swap(value &) noexcept;
  const value_type * c_str() const noexcept;
  const string_type & native() const noexcept;
  string_view_type native_view() const noexcept;
  operator string_type() const;
  operator string_view_type() const;
  operator typename string_view_type::string_view_type() const;
  int compare(const value &) const noexcept;
  int compare(const string_type &) const;
  int compare(string_view_type) const;
  int compare(const value_type *) const;
  template<typename CharT, typename Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>, 
           typename Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> > 
    std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > 
    basic_string(const Alloc & = Alloc()) const;
  std::string string() const;
  std::wstring wstring() const;
  const string_type & native_string() const;
  bool empty() const;
  value_iterator begin() const;
  value_iterator end() const;
  const value_type * data() const;
  std::size_t size() const;


value public construct/copy/destruct

  1. value();
  2. value(const value & p) = default;
  3. value(const string_type & source);
  4. value(string_type && source);
  5. value(const value_type * raw);
  6. value(value_type * raw);
  7. explicit value(value_view kv);
  8. template<typename Source> 
      value(const Source & source, 
            decltype(std::declval< Source >().data()) = nullptr, 
            decltype(std::declval< Source >().size()) = 0u);
  9. value(const typename conditional< is_same< value_type, char >::value, wchar_t, char >::type * raw);
  10. template<typename InputIt> value(InputIt first, InputIt last);
  11. value & operator=(const value & p) = default;
  12. value & operator=(value && p);
  13. value & operator=(string_type && source);
  14. template<typename Source> value & operator=(const Source & source);
  15. ~value() = default;

value public member functions

  1. value & assign(string_type && source);
  2. template<typename Source> value & assign(const Source & source);
  3. template<typename InputIt> value & assign(InputIt first, InputIt last);
  4. void push_back(const value & sv);
  5. void clear();
  6. void swap(value & other) noexcept;
  7. const value_type * c_str() const noexcept;
  8. const string_type & native() const noexcept;
  9. string_view_type native_view() const noexcept;
  10. operator string_type() const;
  11. operator string_view_type() const;
  12. operator typename string_view_type::string_view_type() const;
  13. int compare(const value & p) const noexcept;
  14. int compare(const string_type & str) const;
  15. int compare(string_view_type str) const;
  16. int compare(const value_type * s) const;
  17. template<typename CharT, typename Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>, 
             typename Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> > 
      std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > 
      basic_string(const Alloc & alloc = Alloc()) const;
  18. std::string string() const;
  19. std::wstring wstring() const;
  20. const string_type & native_string() const;
  21. bool empty() const;
  22. value_iterator begin() const;
  23. value_iterator end() const;
  24. const value_type * data() const;
  25. std::size_t size() const;
