Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit ba9a942153.

Struct template impl



// In header: <boost/proto/transform/call.hpp>

template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data> 
struct impl :  proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data> {
  // types
  typedef see-below result_type;

  // public member functions
  result_type operator()(typename impl::expr_param, 
                         typename impl::state_param, 
                         typename impl::data_param) const;


impl public types

  1. typedef see-below result_type;

    In the description that follows, a type T is determined to model the PrimitiveTransform concept if proto::is_transform<T>::value is true.

    proto::call<T>::impl<Expr,State,Data>::result_type is computed as follows:

    • If T if of the form PrimitiveTransform or PrimitiveTransform(), then result_type is:

      typename boost::result_of<PrimitiveTransform(Expr, State, Data)>::type

    • If T is of the form PrimitiveTransform(A0), then result_type is:

      typename boost::result_of<PrimitiveTransform(
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A0>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,

    • If T is of the form PrimitiveTransform(A0, A1), then result_type is:

      typename boost::result_of<PrimitiveTransform(
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A0>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A1>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,

    • If T is of the form PrimitiveTransform(A0, A1, A2), then result_type is:

      typename boost::result_of<PrimitiveTransform(
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A0>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A1>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A2>(Expr, State, Data)>::type

    • If T is of the form PolymorphicFunctionObject(A0,…An), then result_type is:

      typename boost::result_of<PolymorphicFunctionObject(
        typename boost::result_of<when<_,A0>(Expr, State, Data)>::type,typename boost::result_of<when<_,An>(Expr, State, Data)>::type

    • If T is of the form PolymorphicFunctionObject(A0,…An ...), then let T' be PolymorphicFunctionObject(A0,…An-1, S), where S is a type sequence computed from the unpacking expression An as described in the reference for proto::pack. Then, result_type is:

      typename proto::call<T'>::impl<Expr,State,Data>::result_type

impl public member functions

  1. result_type operator()(typename impl::expr_param expr, 
                           typename impl::state_param state, 
                           typename impl::data_param data) const;

    In the description that follows, a type T is determined to model the PrimitiveTransform concept if proto::is_transform<T>::value is true.

    proto::call<T>::impl<Expr,State,Data>::operator() behaves as follows:
