Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit 5dfae19bf9.




  • Glen Fernandes

The header <boost/core/allocator_access.hpp> provides the class and function templates to simplify allocator use. It provides the same functionality as the C++ standard library std::allocator_traits but with individual templates for each allocator feature.

It also adds additional functionality for allocator aware exception safe construction and destruction of arrays.

These facilities also simplify existing libraries by avoiding having to check for BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR and conditionally use std::allocator_traits.

The following example shows these utilities used in the definition of an allocator-aware container class:

template<class T, class A = boost::default_allocator<T> >
class container
    : boost::empty_value<typename boost::allocator_rebind<A, T>::type> {
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef A allocator_type;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_size_type<A>::type size_type;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_difference_type<A>::type difference_type;
    typedef value_type& reference;
    typedef const value_type& const_reference;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_pointer<A>::type pointer;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_const_pointer<A>::type const_pointer;
    // ...

In C++11 or above, aliases such as boost::allocator_pointer_t<A> can be used instead of typename boost::allocator_pointer<A>::type.

The following example allocates storage for an array of n elements of T using an allocator a and constructs T elements in that storage. If any exception was thrown during construction of an element, the constructed elements are destroyed in reverse order.

template<class A>
auto create(A& a, std::size_t n)
    auto p = a.allocate(n);
    try {
        boost::allocator_construct_n(a, boost::to_address(p), n);
    } catch (...) {
        a.deallocate(p, n);
    return p;
namespace boost {

template<class A>
struct allocator_value_type;

template<class A>
using allocator_value_type_t = typename allocator_value_type<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_pointer;

template<class A>
using allocator_pointer_t = typename allocator_pointer<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_const_pointer;

template<class A>
using allocator_const_pointer_t = typename allocator_const_pointer<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_void_pointer;

template<class A>
using allocator_void_pointer_t = typename allocator_void_pointer<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_const_void_pointer;

template<class A>
using allocator_const_void_pointer_t =
    typename allocator_const_void_pointer<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_difference_type;

template<class A>
using allocator_difference_type_t =
    typename allocator_difference_type<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_size_type;

template<class A>
using allocator_size_type_t = typename allocator_size_type<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;

template<class A>
using allocator_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment_t =
    typename allocator_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_propagate_on_container_move_assignment;

template<class A>
using allocator_propagate_on_container_move_assignment_t =
    typename allocator_propagate_on_container_move_assignment<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_propagate_on_container_swap;

template<class A>
using allocator_propagate_on_container_swap_t =
    typename allocator_propagate_on_container_swap<A>::type;

template<class A>
struct allocator_is_always_equal;

template<class A>
using allocator_is_always_equal_t =
    typename allocator_is_always_equal<A>::type;

template<class A, class T>
struct allocator_rebind;

template<class A, class T>
using allocator_rebind_t = typename allocator_rebind<A, T>::type;

template<class A>
allocator_pointer_t<A> allocator_allocate(A& a, allocator_size_type_t<A> n);

template<class A>
allocator_pointer_t<A> allocator_allocate(A& a, allocator_size_type_t<A> n,
    allocator_const_void_pointer_t<A> h);

template<class A>
void allocator_deallocate(A& a, allocator_pointer_t<A> p,
    allocator_size_type_t<A> n);

template<class A, class T, class... Args>
void allocator_construct(A& a, T* p, Args&&... args);

template<class A, class T>
void allocator_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n);

template<class A, class T>
void allocator_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, const T* l,
    std::size_t m);

template<class A, class T, class I>
void allocator_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, I begin);

template<class A, class T>
void allocator_destroy(A& a, T* p);

template<class A, class T>
void allocator_destroy_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n);

template<class A>
allocator_size_type_t<A> allocator_max_size(const A& a);

template<class A>
A allocator_select_on_container_copy_construction(const A& a);

} // boost

template<class A> struct allocator_value_type;

The member type is A::value_type.

template<class A> struct allocator_pointer;

The member type is A::pointer if valid, otherwise allocator_value_type_t<A>*.

template<class A> struct allocator_const_pointer;

The member type is A::const_pointer if valid, otherwise pointer_traits<allocator_pointer_t<A> >::rebind<const allocator_value_type_t<A> >.

template<class A> struct allocator_void_pointer;

The member type is A::void_pointer if valid, otherwise pointer_traits<allocator_pointer_t<A> >::rebind<void>.

template<class A> struct allocator_const_void_pointer;

The member type is A::const_void_pointer if valid, otherwise pointer_traits<allocator_pointer_t<A> >::rebind<const void>.

template<class A> struct allocator_difference_type;

The member type is A::difference_type if valid, otherwise pointer_traits<allocator_pointer_t<A> >::difference_type.

template<class A> struct allocator_size_type;

The member type is A::size_type if valid, otherwise std::make_unsigned_t<allocator_difference_type_t<A> >.

template<class A> struct allocator_propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;

The member type is A::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment if valid, otherwise std::false_type.

template<class A> struct allocator_propagate_on_container_move_assignment;

The member type is A::propagate_on_container_move_assignment if valid, otherwise std::false_type.

template<class A> struct allocator_propagate_on_container_swap;

The member type is A::propagate_on_container_swap if valid, otherwise std::false_type.

template<class A> struct allocator_is_always_equal;

The member type is A::is_always_equal if valid, otherwise std::is_empty<A>::type.

template<class A, class T> struct allocator_rebind;

The member type is A::rebind<T>::other if valid, otherwise A<T, Args> if this A is A<U, Args>.

template<class A> allocator_pointer_t<A> allocator_allocate(A& a, allocator_size_type_t<A> n);

Calls a.allocate(n).

template<class A> allocator_pointer_t<A> allocator_allocate(A& a, allocator_size_type_t<A> n, allocator_const_void_pointer_t<A> hint);

Calls a.allocate(n, hint) if valid, otherwise calls a.allocate(n).

template<class A> void allocator_deallocate(A& a, allocator_pointer_t<A> p, allocator_size_type_t<A> n);

Calls a.deallocate(p, n).

template<class A, class T, class... Args> void allocator_construct(A& a, T*p, Args&&... args);

Calls a.construct(p, std::forward<Args>(args)...) if valid, otherwise calls ::new(static_cast<void*>(p)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...).

template<class A, class T> void alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n);

Constructs each i-th element in order by calling boost::allocator_construct(a, &p[i]). If an exception is thrown destroys each already constructed j-th element in reverse order by calling boost::allocator_destroy(a, &p[j]).

template<class A, class T> void alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, const T* l, std::size_t m);

Constructs each i-th element in order by calling boost::allocator_construct(a, &p[i], l[i % m]). If an exception is thrown destroys each already constructed j-th element in reverse order by calling boost::allocator_destroy(a, &p[j]).

template<class A, class T, class I> void alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, I begin);

Constructs each i-th element in order by calling boost::allocator_construct(a, &p[i], *begin++). If an exception is thrown destroys each already constructed j-th element in reverse order by calling boost::allocator_destroy(a, &p[j]).

template<class A, class T> void allocator_destroy(A& a, T* p);

Calls a.destroy(p) if valid, otherwise calls p->~T().

template<class A, class T> void allocator_destroy_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n);

Destroys each i-th element in reverse order by calling boost::allocator_destroy(a, &p[i]).

template<class A> allocator_size_type_t<A> allocator_max_size(const A& a);

Returns a.max_size() if valid, otherwise returns std::numeric_limits<allocator_size_type_t<A> >::max() / sizeof(allocator_value_type_t<A>).

template<class A> A allocator_select_on_container_copy_construction(const A& a);

Returns a.select_on_container_copy_construction() if valid, otherwise returns a.

Glen Fernandes implemented the allocator access utilities.
